ITH Designs for HOME signs - Items tagged as "Letter"

These designs fit on the 12" x 5.5"  "interchangeable" HOME sign we show examples of and how to create in our Facebook group,
They can also be used on wreaths, wall hangings and many other craft projects.

View all 3D 4 x 4 4th of July 4x4 5 x 7 5x7 acorn acorns alphabet american apple apples Applique art autumn baby ball banner base base ball baseball beach beachball bird birdhouse birdie birds birthday birthday cake board boat boating bobber bunnies Bunny burlap burlap wreath cabin cake cakes camp camper camping cat chic Christmas clam coaster coasters coin compass cone craft crafters crafting crafts cream cruise cup cake cupcake cushion custom wreath Dad daisy day decor decoration decorations direction dog Duck duckie ducky east Easter embroidery Embroidery Design Face fall fat tuesday Father Father's Day felt feltie felties fish fishing flag fleur Fleur de lis fleurdelis float floater flotation Flower flowers fluer fluer de lis foam font fonts free standing lace fringe fruit FSL fun funky gingerbread gingerbreadhouse gnome gnomes gold green Halloween hand hand stitched handstitched heart hearts heat transfer vinyl hme holiday Home home decor Home sign hook horse house ice ice cream in the hoop ITH ITH in the hoop leaf leaves letter lettering letters life guard life preserver line log log cabin lucky machine embroidery design map Mardi Gras mardigras melon Mom money muffin name New Orleans north number numbers nut nuts O ocean pallet parade party patriotic paw paw print pawprint pin pin cushion pincushion pins poinsettia pointsettia pole pool pot of gold print pumpkin raggedy ring rose round RV sail sailing sand school school house schoolhouse sea sea turtle seahorse seashell set sew sewing sewing machine shabby shell ship sign signs snow snow flake snowflake snowman soccer soccor south spool sport sports St. Patrick's Day stitched summer swim swimming swirl swirly teacher thanksgiving thread tiger tiny tortoise turkey turtle vacation Valentine valentine's Valentine's Day valentines vintage volley ball volleyball wall water watermelon welcome west winter wood word words worm wreath wreath decor